

1 Login or create new account.
2 Share your project details.
3 Our Project Manager will get back to you & and set a MEETING with you

If you still have problems, please let us know, by sending an email to support@codesanctuary.com . Thank you!


Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



Our workflow is based on a very flexible yet standard model that helps us deliver the most optimal and cost-effective solutions in a stipulated duration of time.

From requirement analysis and planning phase to the final delivery of the product, all of the processes are very well defined and strategically devised so that our clients do not face any kind of hassle or inconvenience in working with us.


Requirements Analysis and Planning

After a thorough evaluation and verification of the client’s requirements, the support team passes the finalized project request to the dedicated Project Manager to proceed with the development of the project. The Project manager then forwards the project along with the details to a particular markup-developer.


In the development phase, our development team actually starts working on the client’s project systematically following the standard development protocols. During the development process, we go for pixel-perfect development and execution of all the features with well-commented mark-ups and extremely precise layout designs. We strictly follow all the standard operating protocols to provide the best quality solution.


Once done with the development phase, our Quality Assurance (Q&A) team rigorously tests all the key elements of the solution in order to ensure the conformance of the end results with all the initial requirements. If any element or section of the end product seems to be even a little bit ambiguous, then that result is marked as the forfeit and is sent back to the development team for resolving all the issues and come up with a perfect end product.

Final Delivery

Once the final product has passed all the testing in the testing phase, the final deliverable is sent to the concerned person in zipped folder format via email or FTP upload within 8 Working Biz Hours depending on the size of the project.